Customer Thermometer
Embed Customer Thermometer’s 1-click email surveys to your Kustomer tickets and threads for real-time, actionable feedback from any email you send. Join thousands of customers, including Glossier, Leica, Songkick and Indeed, in getting great response rates from friction-free surveys that are easy and engaging for your customers.
Customer Thermometer is a market leader in customer feedback. Add a range of satisfaction rating buttons from our icon library or customize your own to make your brand really stand out.
All ratings and comments are posted back to your Kustomer account in real-time. Critically, you can add our feedback buttons to ticket closed notifications, meaning that your customers don’t receive two emails.

You can also set up our service to:
Be alerted to unhappy customers
Instantly receive an email or a message back to Kustomer, or to Slack, Teams, Asana, iOS/Android and many more.
Produce instant reports
Run leaderboards and reports on agent names, product names, country/territory names, or any other data you hold in Kustomer variables that you need to report on. Analyze data quickly with a full out-of-the-box reporting suite.

Measure customer feedback in a number of ways
Easily measure and report on Net Promoter Score, CSAT and a host of other options across all Kustomer data.
Easy integration with your current setup
Quick and easy integrations with Slack, Teams, with many dashboarding tools, set up using webhooks/API.
See it in action. Try it yourself now for free.
Check out the Customer Thermometer user guide to learn how to set it up.
Develop Your Own Integration With Kustomer
Join our growing community of developers and leverage our extensive documentation and resources to create best-in-class experiences for millions of consumers around the world.